12 Asian-authored books featuring siblings

Sibling relationships can be easy on most days, tough on others. Some siblings might be estranged, others incredibly close. Dynamics between sibling change; sometimes you want to hug them, or irritate them, or leave them alone. For many, being blood-related doesn't matter, as long as the person is a sibling of your heart. Today, I'm… Continue reading 12 Asian-authored books featuring siblings

15 Asian-authored books featuring siblings

Hi, welcome back~ Taking a break from reviews, today's post is a recommendation list! With it being Asian and Pacific Islander (API) Heritage Month, I'm here with Asian-authored books featuring sibling relationships. In this list, some siblings are close while others are like strangers. Some relationships between the siblings are key aspects of the books… Continue reading 15 Asian-authored books featuring siblings

IU’s songs + books recommendations: through the night, bbibbi, twenty three

welcome back to part two of me recommending books based on my favorite IU songs! like before, each recommendation is a mixture of my own understanding of the lyrics of the song and further research on what IU intended the music to mean. i believe each person interprets music in their own ways and each… Continue reading IU’s songs + books recommendations: through the night, bbibbi, twenty three

recommendation: based on IU’s songs pt. 1

at the end of every year, spotify does a wrap up of the music each individual listens on the app. when i checked mine last year, data showed that i binged IU's songs which made her my "most listened to artist" and i'm not even complaining. ever since her "YOU&I" and "good day" days, i've… Continue reading recommendation: based on IU’s songs pt. 1