grandmaster of demonic cultivation volume 4 – moxiang tongxiu

Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation Volume 4
by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu

Series: Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation #4
Published December 13, 2022 by Seven Seas Entertainment
Age Range: Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Representation: M/M romance, Chinese cast


Rating: 4 out of 5.


History stands poised to repeat itself as Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are besieged by walking corpses atop the Burial Mounds. It is here fate offers them a second chance to protect their loved ones and unmask the true instigator of this grisly onslaught. As shocking revelations shake the cultivation world to its very core, the unlikely couple becomes preoccupied with other matters—like an evening of drunken impulse that may push their budding relationship into bold new territory.

🪷 🪷 🪷

Before you venture further, just know that this post will contain all sorts of spoilers you don’t wanna know if you haven’t read the book and have intentions to do so. You’ll be spoiled from the start to the end. Wanna know what I think of the other book? Click the links below.

Volume 1 | Volume 2 | Volume 3

This instalment is filled with revelations upon revelations and most importantly, romantic development between Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji. In these chapters, Wei Wuxian will resurrect Wen Ning into the Ghost General, lose his friends from the Wen Clan, experience the deaths of Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan, and the suffer from guilt for leaving Jin Rulan an orphan. Also, the book consist of one of my favorite scenes in Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation–the truth behind Su She and his master as well as Wei Wuxian becoming the bait while Lan Wangji stands beside him.

@ Golden Carp Tower

Lan Wangji:
“Xiongzhang. I want to bring someone back to the Cloud Recesses.”
“Bring him back…and hide him away.”
“But he is unwilling.”

Jin Zixun kept forcing Lan Xichen to drink wine even though Lan Clan doesn’t drink. Wei Wuxian appeared and took drank the wine for Lan Xichen.

Wei Wuxian asked Jin Zixun about Wen Ning’s whereabouts. Upon entering the area where the Wen Clan’s surviving members were being detained, Jin Zixun captured a group of Wen sect disciples and Wen Ning was their leader. Jin Zixun used the Wen members to wear Spirit-Attraction Flag and serve as bait.

To help Jin Zixun with this conversation, Jin Guangshan brought up the Yin Tiger Tally that Wei Wuxian used during the battle against Wen Clan. In front of everyone, Wei Wuxian stated that it seems like the Jin Clan is trying to take Wen Clan’s place. They started to get more arrogant.

@ Qiongqi Path

Qiongqi Path: Road through a valley between mountains

  • Where the founder of Wen Clan of Bishan, Wen Mao, gained fame in one single battle. He battled with a creature called qiongqi for 81 days before killing it.
  • After the Sunshot Campaign, Qiongqi Path was split up to Jin Clan

Wen Qing and Wei Wuxian reached there and saw a granny carrying a young child but Wen Ning is nowhere to be found. The Wen Clan members detained there were being branded with a peony symbol (Jin Clan’s). They found Wen Ning but he was already dead. Wei Wuxian raised Wen Ning as a zombie soldier.

the ghost general is born!!!
    [Wei Wuxian] whirled around and placed his hand on Wen Ning’s shoulder.
    “Wen Qionglin!” he shouted.
    As if in answer, Wen Ning let out a long, deafening roar. The ears of the onlookers throbbed with dull stabs of pain.
    Wei Wuxian gave his orders slowly and clearly.
    “Make everyone who did this to you suffer the exact same fate. I give you permission to repay them in kind!”

🪷 this gave me goosebumps. poor wen clan members. most of them probably didn’t do anything that would harm others. just because of the clan that they come from, everyone was tortured and killed in the same hatred that people felt for the other wen clan members. 😢

Wei Wuxian brought every surviving Wen Clan member to Burial Mounds. The leaders of the cultivator clans gathered together to discuss this and decided that Jiang Cheng should speak to Wei Wuxian.

🪷 my thoughts about lan wangji 😍
  • I would say, “痛快!” sooooo satisfying and cool! kind of a meaning. but omg, nobody expected lan wangji to call jin guangshan out. it’s so freaking satisfying but of course, people are afraid of what they don’t know and the atmosphere was carried by jin guangshan’s nonsensical spew.

  • 🪷 only mianmian is making sense
  • rolled my eyes so goddamn hard. freaking nonsense. anyway, mianmian is a badass. the only two objective perspectives are lan clan and mianmian. everyone else was trash.

  • @ Burial Mounds

    Jiang Cheng arrived to talk to Wei Wuxian. He wants Wei Wuxian to burn Wen Ning but Wei Wuxian was pissed saying that when Lotus pier burned down, Wen Ning and Wen Qing were the ones who helped cremated Jiang Cheng’s parents.

    All the built up resentment, hatred, fear, anxiety, and pain within Wen Ning when he was alive made him into a fierce Ghost General. Wei Wuxian is working on awakening Wen Ning’s mind so he’s not a mindless creature.

    They had a fight and Wei Wuxian was formally expelled from Jiang Clan of Yunmeng.

    @ Village in Yiling

    Wei Wuxian brought Wen Yuan around to shop.A-Yuan ran away and started crying around a man’s feet. That person is Lan Wangji. For some reason, A-Yuan was crying for “Daddy” and everyone thought Lan Wangji’s the father who is letting the baby boy cry without care. To calm A-Yuan, Lan Wangji bought toys for him.

    Wei Wuxian wanted to treat Lan Wangji to a meal so they went to eat. Lan Wangji bought spicy food [for Wei Wuxian cause he can’t eat spice]. Bribed by the toys, A-Yuan stuck to Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji brought news that Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan were getting married in seven days.

    Suddenly, Wei Wuxian’s tailsman, acting as an alarm, for Burial Mounds’ situation, started to burn. Knowing that trouble was at Burial Mounds, Wei Wuxian took A-Yuan and ran back. Seizing his Wei Wuxian’s waist, Lan Wangji brought him and A-Yuan back to Burial Mounds by sword.

    🪷 where is your sword?
  • throughout this whole time, lan wangji kept asking wei wuxian where his sword is at. to non-first time readers, we all know what happened and why his sword wasn’t by his side the whole time. makes it a little sad.

  • @ Burial Mounds

    It was Wen Ning who went berserk and triggered the talisman. Together with Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian calmed Wen Ning down.

    Somehow, Wei Wuxian woke up Wen Ning’s mind.

    wei wuxian’s standing by his decision
      “Lan Zhan, you asked me earlier if I planned on staying like this. The truth is, I want to ask you a question too–if I don’t stay like this, what else can I do? Should I abandon the demonic path? Then what about the folks on this mountain? Should I give them up? I couldn’t do it. I’m sure if it were you, you couldn’t either. Can’t anyone give me an easy, broad road? A road I can walk that allows me to protect the ones I want to protect, without needing to cultivate the demonic path?”

    Lan Wangji left.

    rich gege > poor gege
      “Xian-gege, will Rich-gege come again?”
      Wei Wuxian sputtered a laugh. “What? Who’s Rich-gege?”
      “The rich gege is Rich-gege,” Wen Yuan answered seriously.
      “Then what about me?” Wei Wuxian asked.
      Sure enough, Wen Yuan replied, “You’re Xian-gege. Poor-gege.”
    daddy… mommy?
      “I don’t care. You called him Daddy too. And what do you call me? Only ‘gege.’ You dropped me in seniority for no good reason!”
      Wen Yuan stomped his food. “I didn’t call him Daddy!”
      “You did, I heard you,” Wei Wuxian said. “I don’t care. I wanna be more senior than ‘gege’ or ‘Daddy’! What should you call me?”
      Wen Yuan was aggrieved. “But… But A-Yuan doesn’t wanna call you Mommy… That’s so weird…”

    To thank Wei Wuxian for all that he did, the Burial Mounds folks cooked him a meal and made him wine.

    After three days, the cultivation society knew that Wei Wuxian defected Jiang Clan, established his own sect on the peaks of Yiling, and refined a fierce corpse of the highest caliber. People were trying to join him, the “Grandmaster” and he gained the title “The Supreme Evil Yiling Patriarch”

    @ Village at Yiling

    Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning saw Jiang Cheng and followed him to a small courtyard but Wen Ning was stopped outside by Jiang Cheng.

    Jiang Yanli, dressed in her wedding outfit, was waiting there for Wei Wuxian because he wouldn’t be able to attend her wedding being who he is now. She asked Wei Wuxian to pick a courtesy name for her future baby. This was a suggestion by Jiang Cheng.

    • Wei Wuxian chose Jin Rulan (”like an orchid”) 
      • Ru = character for the next generation of the Jin Clan of Lanling

    She cooked soup for everyone, including Wen Ning even though he couldn’t eat. Publicly, Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng are in bad terms and their fight previously was just for show.


    For Jin Rulan’s one-month celebration, Jin Clan invited Wei Wuxian.

    Wei Wuxian bought a white jade pendant for Jin Rulan. Alongside that, he’s gifting a silver bell infused with powerful energy that Wei Wuxian had been making for over a month. With that, no low-level evil creature can go close to Jin Rulan.

    @ Qiongqi Path

    Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning were cornered by the Jin Clan.

    Jin Zixun, Jin Zixuan’s cousin, accused Wei Wuxian for being the person responsible for his Thousand Sores and Hundred Holes curse.

    • Ways to lift the curse
      1. The one who cast the curse could dispel it, but would severely damage their own cultivation
      2. Kill the one who cast the curse.

    Jin Zixun somehow got his hands on Wei Wuxian’s gifts for Jin Rulan and crushed them. Jin Zixuan appeared and he was trying to calm the situation down. Losing control of Wen Ning, Wei Wuxian witnessed as his Ghost General killed Jin Zixuan, leaving Jiang Yanli a widow.

    Back at Burial Mounds

    Wen Qing and Wen Ning decided to plead guilty at Golden Carp Tower as the Jin Clan wanted Wei Wuxian to answer for what happened by handing over the two leaders of the Wen Clan survivors, especially the Ghost General.

    Wen Qing has already paralysed Wei Wuxian with a needle that would last for 3 days. This is to prevent Wei Wuxian from stopping them.

    “I’m sorry,” Wen Qing said. “And thank you.”

    🪷 ughhhhhh, my eyes 😭
  • okay, i believe i was sobbing during the show when it came to this scene. wei wuxian, paralysed and utterly useless in doing anything to stop the siblings, had three days to think about everything that happened. it must have been torture.

  • @ Golden Carp Tower

    Wei Wuxian snuck into Golden Carp Tower to check on Jiang Yanli. He heard that the Ghost General went berserk and killed people when he went there to plead guilty.

    “Pledge Rally”: the four major clans will scatter the ashes of the Wen Clan’s survivors atop the abandoned ruins of the Wen Clan of Qishan’s residences and pledged their opposition to the Yiling Patriarch.

    @ Nightless City

    Wei Wuxian appeared when they were scattering the ashes. He was injured by an archer who shot an arrow. Using the same arrow, he shot it back to man beside the archer, whom turned out to be his brother. Angered, Wei Wuxian used Chenqing to raise corpses. However, it was continuously countered by Lan Wangji.

    While the fight is happening, Jiang Yanli appeared . When Wei Wuxian tried to protect Jiang Yanli, the fierce corpses no longer listened to Chenqing. In the chaos, Jiang Yanli was killed by the young archer whose brother was killed. It was an accident because Jiang Yanli pushed Wei Wuxian out of the sword’s way.

    “…A-Xian. You ran away so fast…last time…I didn’t even get a chance to take a look at you, or say a single word to you…”

    🪷 jiang cheng and wei wuxian’s friendship broke then
  • oh man. i knew at this point that jiang cheng and wei wuxian’s friendship will never return to the way it was before. with jiang yanli’s death, everything became irreversible partly because of jiang cheng’s frustration at who wei wuxian became and partly because of wei wuxian’s guilt that his creation brought destruction to jin zixuan, jiang yanli, jin rulan, and jiang cheng’s lives.

  • Wei Wuxian took out the Yin Tiger Tally

    Back at present–Cultivators arrived at Burial Mounds

    The Nightless City Massacre, the blood battle on the night of the Pledge Rally, Wei Wuxian returned to Burial Mounds unscathed. The clans planned to siege Burial Mounds after to kill the Wen Clan survivors and Yiling Patriarch.

    All the adult cultivators, except Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian, lost their spiritual powers. When Lan Sizhui urged everyone to enter the Demon-Quelling Cave which had an array on the ground to ward off the fierce corpses, only Su She stopped everyone saying that it’s a trap. Nie Huaisang’s panic brought everyone into the cave. Lan Qiren helped to fix the array.

    Inside the Demon-Quelling Cave,

    Doctors deemed that the loss of spiritual power is only temporary but would come back within four hours.

    When Su She started spewing nonsense, Lan Wangji used the Lan Clan’s silence spell on him.

    Backstory of Su Clan of Moling and Lan Clan of Gusu

    • They’re at odds because Su Clan was established by a non-blood-related sect disciple who left Lan Clan. Su Clan’s secret techniques are similar to those of Lan Clan.
    • They specialise in music and the Sect Leader Su Minshan’s finest spiritual weapon is a seven-stringed guqin that resembled Lan Wangji’s.

    Su She broke the silence spell by biting his tongue till it bled.

    Wei Wuxian realized why the spiritual powers went away

    • While killing the corpses, Su Clan included a small part during the Eradication Tone that causes people to lose their spiritual powers. Since only Lan Clan are sensitive to music changes and because of their hostilities, the Lan Clan would simply think that the Su Clan’s guqin skills are bad.
    • Wei Wuxian pretended that some papers are from the Collection of Spirit Turmoil that he got from the Room of Forbidden Books in Lan Clan. When Su She mentioned that he would never be given permission to enter that room, Wei Wuxian countered that his master (aka Lianfang-zun) is able to.
    • Su She and Lianfang-zun’s plan as explained by Wei Wuxian:
      • Capture the juniors and lure everyone to Burial Mounds.
      • Lianfang-zun use his injuries to avoid suspicion and to explain his absence.
      • Su She play the wicked song to damage everyone’s spiritual power. Lianfang-zun uses the Yin Tiger Tally to manipulate the fierce corpses to besiege the mountain.
      • Thousands would be killed on Burial Mounds and Wei Wuxian will be the scapegoat.

    When Wei Wuxian asked Su Clan to play the tune again, Su She broke the array with his blood and used a Teleportation Talisman to run away. The gravedigger from the Chang Clan of Yueyang’s cemetery was Su She as well.

    Since the adults were unable to truly fight, Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian, Wen Ning, and the young ones started fighting the waves of fierce corpses. However, there were just too many of them.

    lan zhan finally stood by wei ying ❤️
      Suddenly, Wei Wuxian called, “Hanguang-jun!”
      Lan Wangji looked back at him. Wei Wuxian took a breath, then stated, “I want to do something.”
      “Will you accompany me?” Wei Wuxian added.
      Lan Wangji gazed right at him. His answer was clear and decisive.

    Wei Wuxian used himself as a Spirit-Attraction Flag. Lan Wangji and him will lure the fierce corpses away while the Ghost General and the young ones bring the others to safety.

    Wen Ning recognised Lan Sizhui’s face.

    When it started to get harder to kill the fierce corpses, suddenly, corpses were rising from the Blood Pool. They were the Wen Clan survivors who were thrown into the pool after the killings on Burial Mounds. These corpses killed the fierce corpses.

    Wen Ning recognised the faces of these new corpses and started calling out to each of them.

    “Have you been waiting here all this time?” Wen Ning asked.

    🪷 cried so hard in this scene while watching the donghua.
  • oh, poor wen ning. i bet he had a lot of guilt too. the way he called out to si-shu and granny… oh my heart. he got to see his family’s faces one more time.

  • After they killed the fierce corpses, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji bowed to the Wen Clan survivors as thanks. They bowed back and collapsed. Their ashes was then collected by Wen Ning and some of the younger ones.

    “No one’s telling you to forgive me,” Wei Wuxian said. “You’re not the only ones who remember what I’ve done. remember too. You won’t forget–what makes you think I will?!”

    🪷 cried so hard in this scene while watching the donghua.
  • the satisfaction that i felt during this scene was bone chilling. everyone who went up thought wei wuxian was evil and unfeeling but turns out he’s the one who is willing to be the human bait. and then they were saved by the wen clan survivors they killed.

  • Since it’s been four hours, most of the adults are gaining back their spiritual powers. They decided to go to the nearest safest location which was Jiang Clan of Yunmeng. Wei Wuxian and the rest went along as well. There’s no news of Lan Xichen who is with Jin Guangyao currently.

    On the boats to Yunmeng,

    Some juniors, unused to travelling on waters, were seasick, including Lan Sizhui. While Lan Sizhui is vomiting by the side of the boat, a figure floated up. Wen Ning came to visit.

    🪷 wen ning the water ghost~ 👻
  • this was ridiculously funny. HAHAHAHA he appeared in the water like a ghost and i can imagine, with his appearance, lan sizhui’s shock must be great.

  • Wen Ning asked Lan Sizhui about his past because the junior looked like a distant relative of his. Lan Sizhui’s name is Lan Yuan [i guess this is how Wen Ning confirms everything]

    Jin Ling appeared and the situation became tense. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji came to see what’s happening when shouting happened. Jin Ling broke down crying and Jiang Cheng brought him away.

    Soon, Wei Wuxian fainted.

    this scene got the juniors running outside, blushing. hehe
      Suddenly, Wei Wuxian frowned and tilted his head. Lan Wangji gently moved his head back in place, lest he sprain his neck.
      “Lan Zhan,” Wei Wuxian mumbled.
      Everyone was overjoyed, thinking he was about to wake up, but Wei Wuxian’s eyes remained tightly shut.
      Lan Wangji, on the other hand, looked as he usually did. “Mn. I am here.”
      Wei Wuxian said nothing else. He nuzzled against Lan Wangji, as if feeling safe and reassured, and continued to sleep.

    Wen Ning continued to speak with Lan Sizhui and asked if he can call him “A-Yuan”. Lan Wangji started raising Lan Sizhui at around 4/5 years old. 

    Inside, Wei Wuxian was sound asleep and grabbed Lan Wangji’s collar and forehead band. He woke up.

    should’ve just slept more
      Wei Wuxian rubbed his neck, feeling secretly delighted and smug even as he lamented to himself. Ahh, Lan Zhan is honestly… Had I known this would happen, I wouldn’t have woke up, I could have lain in his arms the entire journey if I was still out cold.

    @ Yunmeng

    Everyone disembarked and entered the Jiang Sect but Wen Ning stayed outside. Lan Sizhui stayed with him.

    does a-yuan like radishes or rabbits more?
      Lan Sizhui: “Did Wei-qianbei really plant a two-year-old child in the soil like he would a radish?”
      Wen Ning: “Yes.”
      Lan Sizhui: “That poor child. But actually, I remember Hanguang-jun once set me down in the middle of a bunch of rabbits when I was little. The two of them are really quite similar in some respects…”

    Two women came to Jiang Clan to speak and Jiang Cheng let them in.

    • Sisi’s story
      • 11 years ago, Sisi was a working girl. However, her face was scarred when a wealthy merchant’s wife cut her face up. She couldn’t work in the brothel after that. Instead, she worked along with other sisters who were old and ugly.
      • One day, someone paid these women highly for their service. They were brought to a house with a man lying on a bed. He looked sick and couldn’t move at all. The women were instructed to pleasure the man to the fullest extent.
      • When Sisi climbed atop the man, a laughter came out from behind the curtains. A man was standing there the entire time. Jin Guangyao was the one who hired all these women to serve Jin Guangshan.
      • Jin Guangshan died but Jin Guangyao said that none of the women should stop even when the man was dead.
      • Sisi doesn’t know why everyone was killed except for her because she was locked up for 11 years. Someone rescued her recently.
    • Bicao’s story
      • Bicao was Madam Qin (Qin Clan of Laoling)’s maid.
        • Madam Qin: Qin Cangye’s wife, Qin Su (Jin Guangyao’s wife)’s mother
      • Closer to Qin Su and Jin Guangyao’s wedding, Madam Qin’s mood changed. When she came back from speaking with Jin Guangyao, Madam Qin told Bicao everything.
      • Jin Guangyao and Qin Su shared the same father. Jin Guangshan lusted after Madam Qin and raped her one night. She didn’t dare to confront Jin Guangshan so went to reveal the truth to Jin Guangyao. However, he still married her daughter.
      • Jin Guangyao wanted a firm foothold in the Jin Clan so he had to have a solid father-in-law like Qin Cangye to give him a boost.
      • Their son, A-Song, was most likely killed by Jin Guangyao because it’s known that a child from siblings will be dull-witted.
      • That night of the symposium at Golden Carp Tower, Bicao told Qin Su the truth. Wei Wuxian commented on the jade and gold bracelet on Bicao’s wrist which she quickly hid.
    🪷 suspicioussssss
  • sisi’s release from house arrest and bicao’s reaction to the jade and gold bracelet was suspicious AF. but the rest of the cultivators didn’t care about it. they just wanted to gossip and condemn
  • and they were suddenly okay with wei wuxian joining their ranks to fight against jin guangyao since he’s the grandmaster of demonic cultivation and they have to deal with the yin tiger tally that jin guangyao have. STUPID PEOPLE.
  • On Yunmeng streets,

    Wei Wuxian brought Lan Wangji to shop around and climbed a tree that he always climbed when he was younger.

    jump and i’ll catch
      Lan Wangji was standing beneath the tree, gazing up at him. He was also dressed in white. While he did not have a lantern with him, the moonlight that cascaded over him made his entire person seem bright and pure, like he was bathed in a soft glow.
      He tilted his head back to gaze at the treetop, his eyes fixed. He then took a few steps closer to the tree, looking as though he wanted to extend his arms.
      Suddenly, an usually powerful urge jolted through Wei Wuxian’s mind.
      He wanted to fall again, just as he had back then.
      Deep inside him, a voice whispered, If he catches me, I’ll…
      At the last word, Wei Wuxian let go.
      Seeing him plunge without warning, Lan Wangji’s eyes instantly widened. He dashed forward just in time to catch Wei Wuxian–or rather, for Wei Wuxian to throw himself into his arms.

      Just as Lan Wangji was about to release him, he realized that Wei Wuxian’s arms were wound tight around his neck, keeping him in place.
      He couldn’t see Wei Wuxian’s face. Wei Wuxian couldn’t see his either, but there was no need. He closed his eyes and breathed in deep, filling his lungs with Lan Wangji’s cool, refreshing sandalwood scent.
      “Thanks,” he said in a hoarse voice.
      He wasn’t scared of falling. He had fallen many times over the years. But hitting the ground still hurt.
      How wonderful it would be if there was someone there to catch him.
      Hearing his thanks, Lan Wangji’s body seemed to freeze for a moment. The hand he’d been about to place on Wei Wuxian’s back paused briefly before withdrawing.
      After a moment of silence, Lan Wangji answered, “You are welcome.”

    Wei Wuxian brought Lan Wangji to Jiang Clan of Yunmeng’s ancestral hall. The both of them paid their respects to Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan’s memorial tablets.

    two wedding bows, i owe you the third one ❤️
      “Let’s do it together,” he said instead, face serious.
      Lan Wangji did not object. With three incense sticks each in hand, both kneeling before the rows of memorial tablets, they bowed together to Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan’s names.
      Once. Twice.
      Their movements were completely in sync.
      “It’s done,” Wei Wuxian said before solemnly tucking the incense sticks into the bronze censer.
      He peered at Lan Wangji, who was kneeling in a prim and proper manner beside him.
      He put his palms together and said silently, Jiang-shushu, Madam Yu–it’s me again, here to disturb your peace. I really wanted to bring this person here to show him to you, though. Please consider those two bows our wedding bows to the Heaven, the East, the father, and the mother. So please–help me lock this guy down first. Let me owe you the third and final wedding bow for now. I’ll find a chance to make good on it in the future…
    🪷 my squeals about the wedding bows
  • SQUEALLINGGGGGG OMGGG. this sent my heart flying. wedding bows?! lock the guy down?! bruh, lan wangji was yours from the start. ALL OF US WERE WAITING FOR YOUR AWAKENING.
  • okay, but later when jiang cheng confronted wei wuxian about the prolonged hug between wei wuxian and lan wangji, wei wuxian said “hanguang-jun and i are just friends” and hanguang-jun’s expression froze.

  • Jiang Cheng chased them out of the ancestral hall. Wei Wuxian angered and tired, started bleeding from his mouth and nose. He fainted.

    Wen Ning came in with Wei Wuxian’s sword, Suibian, and asked Jiang Cheng to pull the sword out. He did and succeeded even though Suibian had been unable to unsheathe it. Suibian recognised Jiang Cheng as Wei Wuxian because of the golden core channeling spiritual power within his body is Wei Wuxian’s. Wen Ning then told Jiang Cheng everything. He finally knew why Wei Wuxian cannot use Suibian recently and why he went into the demonic path. Jiang Cheng took Suibian to ask people to unsheathe it. Meanwhile, Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, and Wen Ning left.

    Wen Ning thanked Lan Wangji for saving and raising A-Yuan. Lan Wangji promised Wen Ning that he wouldn’t tell Wei Wuxian that he confessed the truth to Jiang Cheng.

    Lan Wangji asked Wen Ning about the golden core removing process. Wen Qing only had 50% confidence of the transfer of core. Wei Wuxian had to be awake during the whole two nights and one day.

    On the way out,

    Wei Wuxian woke up and they decided to go to Yunping City in Yunmeng because he saw a land deed in Jin Guangyao’s secret chamber of Fragrance Palace.

    Before that, Wei Wuxian brought them to a lotus ponds to eat lotus seed pods. Lan Wangji allowed Wei Wuxian to take some lotus seed pods to eat even though they were stealing food without paying.😍

    @ Yunping City,

    The land deed is for a Guanyin Temple in the middle of the city. Something is sealed within a spot. They would need to wait till nighttime to investigate further so they decided to find an inn to rest. While eating dinner, Wei Wuxian purposefully made Lan Wangji drink wine.

    Wei Wuxian waved his hand in front of [Lan Wangji] a couple times. No reaction whatsoever. He relaxed and reached out, gently hooking Lan Wangji’s chin and tilting it up.
    “The past few days have been killin’ me,” he said in a soft whisper. “Hanguang-jun, you’ve finally fallen into my clutches.”

    • Drunk Hanguang-jun bit Wei Wuxian’s fingers, poked a hole through the bed with Bichen, threw Bichen away without sheathing it, stole chicken out of someone’s chicken coop, stole jujubes from the tree, carved on the wall “Lan Wangji was here” and drew two little kissing figures, made Wei Wuxian bathe him, broke a bathtub, and had spicy fun with Wei Wuxian.
    take a bath? 🛁
      Thus, [Wei Wuxian] asked, “Why don’t I give you a bath? What do you think?”
      Lan Wangji’s eyes widened slightly at this. Wei Wuxian carefully examined his expression.
      Yes or no?”
      Lan Wangji immediately nodded. “Yes.”
    🪷 my thoughts about drunk lan zhan pouting
  • wei wuxian thinking that lan wangji said “yes” to the bath cause he liked cleanliness is hilariously wrong. drunk lan wangji came out of the bath after he realized wei wuxian wasn’t joining him. HAHAHHA well, he got an eyeful with this bath and more 😏 

  • After the fun times, Lan Wangji became sober. Both of them were feeling awkward so Wei Wuxian said to pretend like nothing happened. Thereafter, they slept in separate rooms.

    Wei Wuxian couldn’t sleep so he went back to the wall that Lan Wangji carved on and saw Wen Ning cleaning it up.

    wei wuxian’s “i can’t imagine life without him anymore” moment
      Then again… Wen Ning might have no idea of where to go, but was he not the same? When he was with Lan Wangji, he’d never even thought about it. He’d taken for granted that they would always continue as they were, without anything changing. But after tonight, the two of them might never be able to have that kind of relationship again.
      While leaving Lan Wangji behind and freely roaming the world alone did not seem an impossible thing to consider…
      …a voice deep inside Wei Wuxian told him the clear truth: It was impossible.
      The nonsense he’d spouted back at Golden Carp Tower had really come true. The Wei Wuxian of today could not do without Lan Wangji.

    🪷 🪷 🪷

    That’s everything for Volume 4! We’re left with a few more chapters before the main story ends and then there’ll be some companion short stories to tied me through my sorrows for finishing the series. I know the spicer scenes will be coming up in Volume 5 and I’m SHY. Gonna read it anyway though.

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